Archdeacon's Visitation
The Archdeacon's Visitation, when churchwardens for the coming year are admitted to their office, will be online again this year, on Sunday 30th June at 7pm. Jane Eccleston will be admitted as churchwarden of Haverhill and Richard Hart will be admitted as churchwarden of Withersfield.
We thank Jane and Richard for taking on this role, and it would be appreciated if people could show their support by joining the service using Zoom. Contact us for the link.
Churchwardens are key in helping the parish to run effectively, and provide oversight for much of the practical side of running a church. They are a first point of contact for many people enquiring about the church and liaise with the archdeacon and bishops on pastoral matters.
There are still vacant positions for another churchwarden at both Haverhill and Withersfield. If this is something you would be interested in, speak to Max or to one of the wardens. The visitation is also a good opportunity to find out more.