Elevenses Returns to Church
The Elevenses service at Haverhill for families and children is returning to the church building! It has been running online for the last fourteen months (with a brief spell back in the community area in the autumn), and now from Sunday 6th June every week there will be worship, prayer, arts and crafts, music and fun at 11am at St Mary's.
We will continue to produce resources for worship online for those unable to join us, so keep an eye out for videos on Facebook and YouTube, although this may not be every week.
If you are coming to church, there is no need to book in advance, but we will need to follow the current guidelines on gathering in church. At the moment, that means that anyone over the age of 10 is required to wear a face covering unless medically exempt, and we are asked to sign in and use the hand sanitiser provided on entry and exit.